The ARTguro Podcast episode 7 is live!
Continuing our conversations on finding balance through art, our artguros talk about coloring books and creating spaces to destress.
Our host Carmel Lim Torres talks away stress with Pinoy coloristas Joyce and Jennevie in our podcast series on self care and wellness.
Joyce is a dentist, full-time mom of 3 and an amazing colorista. She found inspiration from her artistic mother and continues her legacy through her love of art through coloring books.

Jennevie is a teacher, language coach, entrepreneur and home schooling mom. Her coloring works have been featured by various coloring book artists locally and internationally.

Grab a cup of coffee and a coloring book and lets talk about the importance of creating and accepting accidents, cultivating patience in ourselves and in our students, in trusting the process, and most of all making time for oneself. Listen in on wise words from Jennevie and Joyce about managing life, pulling away from distractions and allowing oneself to rest without guilt.
This episode is part of our series of artguro-led podcasts on self care and wellness. Find your art balance and relax as we tune in to the conversation.
The ARTguro Podcast uploads seasonal episodes by our community of Pinoy art teachers for our community of art teachers. Remember to Follow and Subscribe to our Channels!
See more of Jennevie’s work on her Instagram account!
Join in the community of Pinoy coloring book enthusiasts at Coloring Books for Adults – Philippines
Ⓒ2025 ARTguro Philippines | Ⓒ2025 Cathy Lasam Ballo.
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