Art & Advocacy: Teaching & Empowering Students Towards Social Action in the Philippines
ITAC’s April Think Tank,
Hosted by Cathy Lasam Ballo (Philippines)
Art never ceases to be at the forefront of change. History shows us that art has always been instrumental in swaying opinion, spreading better education, and inciting others to action. We are all living in challenging times. With the present pandemic, countries at war, rampant online trolling and bullying, volatile political climate, and environmental concerns, it is important now, more than ever, for teaching artists to use their unique skills and platform to empower the youth.
Join Cathy Lasam Ballo, founder of ARTguro Philippines and principal of SoFA Design Institute Senior High, in this participatory discussion of encouraging students towards social action through the arts. She will be sharing how integrating the arts with regular curriculum, paired with teacher collaboration, can build student character, awareness, initiative and action.
This Think Tank will discuss amazing examples of Filipino artist-led advocacies; talk about the power of the arts as a catalyst and carrier for change; and explore how teaching artists can empower young minds towards initiative and action as responsible citizens. The talk will have an interactive lecture and a short simulation where participants will experience the arts integrated curriculum process as ‘students.’ All participants who attend and complete the Think Tank will receive a Certificate of Participation from ITAC & ARTguro Philippines.
Webinar Details:
Host: Cathy Lasam Ballo (Philippines)
Who can join: Open to creators of all ages, disciplines, and experience levels
When: Friday, April 29 at 5:00pm Philippines time
Not in the Philippines? Confirm the Think Tank’s start time based on your location here. Some helpful reminders:
April 29 at 5:00am New York, USA time
April 29 at 6:00am Buenos Aires, Argentina time
April 29 at 10:00am London, UK time
April 29 at 9:00am Accra, Ghana time
April 29 at 2:30pm New Delhi, India time
April 29 at 5:00pm Shanghai, China time
April 29 at 6:00pm Seoul, South Korea time
April 29 at 7:00pm Sydney, Australia time
Where: Zoom (registration is FREE)
Register for Free: Reserve your spot by clicking the Register Now button.
Ⓒ2024 ARTguro Philippines | Ⓒ2024 Cathy Lasam Ballo.
All Rights Reserved.