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Join the Teach Ecolibrium Conference

Happening online on January 25 & 26, 2023

ECOlibrium – Eco-Ed through the Arts Conference by

ECOlibrium is an international virtual conference on how to create Climate ACTION and grow Sustainability through the Arts. All are welcome! Especially environmentalists, scientists, educators and Teaching Artists!

Why utilize dance, music, theatre, other arts to teach about Climate Change? The arts are OUR human reaction to the world around us. The Arts INSPIRE, EMPATHIZE, and ACTIVATE!
Connect, learn, and collaborate on local and global environmental initiatives.

Carrie Ziegler, Artist
Speaker, expert in community engagement through large scale art installations
Washington State, United States

Francine Kliemann & Márcia Donadel
School of the (Im)Possible: Art and Play
as a tool to tackle Climate Change.
Plato Cultural São José, SC, Brazil

Lillian Nkwenge, CEO
Addressing Climate Change through Moulding Briquettes
Youth Fighting Climate Change Nonprofit
Kyaddondo County, Wakiso District, Uganda

Ben Evans , Federal Legislative Directo

ARTguro would like to thank TEACH and Patricia Joson Cruz for generously sharing scholarships to our artguro community. We are delighted and honored to be part of the conference, and looking forward to the amazing discussions, insights and knowledge awaiting everyone.

If you aren’t a member yet of the ARTguro Facebook group, head on over there via one of our buttons below and find links and instructions on how to sign up for a scholarship. Get a chance to sign up for a spot at the ECOlibrium Conference while making new connections with our warm community of Pinoy artist teachers. Tara na!

Ⓒ2024 ARTguro Philippines | Ⓒ2024 Cathy Lasam Ballo.
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