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The International Disability Studies, Art & Education Forum 2023

Virtual Conference

ARTguro supports the International Disability Studies, Art & Education (iDSAE) Network’s Virtual Forum this coming September 30, Saturday, from 12noon to 2pm (Eastern Time/GMT-4)

The iDSAE is brings together disabled individuals, disability activists, advocates, artists, researchers, educators, students, and members of the disability communities who share an interest in, or whose work and life, addresses the intersections and interplay between critical disability studies, arts, and education. The network organizes biennial conferences and virtual forums on alternating years, with this virtual forum opening conversations that lead to the 2024 Conference in Nebraska.

Registration is Free and open to all internationally.

Register at this link and see you all at the virtual conference!

Know more about iDSAE or email artguro Amos at for questions or inquiries!

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